Strauss, Judy, author.

E-marketing / Judy Strauss and Raymond Frost. - Sixth edition. - Singapore : Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd., c2012. - xxi, 426 pages : Illustrations ; 26 cm


Includes bibliographical references (403-407) and index.

E-marketing in context -- past, present, and future -- Strategic E-marketing and performance metrics -- The E-marketing plan -- E-marketing environment -- Building inclusive E-markets -- Ethical and legal issues -- E-marketing strategy -- E-marketing research -- Consumer behavior online -- Segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning strategies -- E-marketing management -- Product: the online offer -- Price: the online value -- The Internet for distribution -- E-marketing communication tools -- Engaging customers and social media -- Buying digital media space -- Customer relationship management

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

Traditional marketing coverage with an e-marketing twist.

Strauss/Frost offers traditional marketing coverage with a twist: its focus is on the Internet and other technologies that have had a profound affect on marketing.

The sixth edition focuses more on e-marketing strategy and practice, and less on principles of marketing refresher material.

In English text.

9789810696085 (Reprint)

Internet marketing.
Electronic commerce.
Internet marketing.
On-line marketing.

CIR HF 5415.1265 / S77 2012

658.8 / St82e 20112

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